My baby is two. Don’t ask me how that happened. . .


My sweet Avi Hope,

Here you are 2. I can hardly believe it. I know you think you’re 16 but I am still pretty sure you’re my little baby. I love you so incredibly much.

I love to see you’re personality come out. The way you pick up a mop and start scrubbing the floor or  wink at me across the table. The way you love to put your socks and shoes on, then go marching out the door on some grand adventure with Theo by your side.

I never knew what people meant when they talked about a mother’s love. I do now. The fact that you throw a tantrum and can be a complete handful all day doesn’t shake it one little bit. I love you. You can’t do anything bad enough to make me not love you. You have taught me so much about God’s love. Because if I love you so much and I am far from perfect imagine how much a perfect Parent loves us. Our God loves us so much. We can’t do anything bad enough to make Him love us any less. My deepest desire is for you to love Him back, to make Him your greatest treasure, and delight. If you do that, little love of mine, you will find the greatest, most beautiful adventure there is. Life will be hard, I will fail you, I will hurt you, there will be pain, but there is nothing, no pit so deep that His love is not deeper still. He will ALWAYS ALWAYS be by your side.

I love you, darling!

-Brinny (who is slowly becoming ‘Mommy’)

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